The query in PubMed using Biacore as a keyword results in a total of 1515 related articles dated between 1992 and 2020 (by the date of 31 August 2020).

The top publisher is the Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC, impact factor: 4.238) from American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) with 116 papers published, equal about 7.66% of all Biacore related papers in PubMed. The second popular journal is the Analytical Biochemistry (impact factor: 2.877) with 114 papers. The above two popular journals took 15.18% of total Biacore publications in PubMed with application fields in biological chemistry or biochemistry.

The details of top 50 journals and numbers of paper published listed here below.

  1. J Biol Chem,116
  2. Anal Biochem,114
  3. J Immunol Methods,46
  4. Biochemistry,41
  5. Biosens Bioelectron,31
  6. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,30
  7. Methods Mol Biol,30
  8. J Mol Recognit,30
  9. J Mol Biol,24
  10. FEBS Lett,23
  11. PLoS One,23
  12. J Immunol,21
  13. Mol Immunol,21
  14. Anal Chem,20
  15. Biochim Biophys Acta,15
  16. Eur J Biochem,15
  17. J Biochem,14
  18. J Virol,13
  19. J Med Chem,12
  20. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,11
  21. Biochem J,11
  22. Protein Sci,11
  23. Cancer Res,10
  24. Protein Expr Purif,10
  25. J Agric Food Chem,9
  26. J Chromatogr A,9
  27. Talanta,9
  28. Eur J Immunol,9
  29. Infect Immun,9
  30. Thromb Haemost,9
  31. Hybridoma,9
  32. Nucleic Acids Res,9
  33. Bioconjug Chem,9
  34. MAbs,8
  35. Clin Cancer Res,8
  36. Bioorg Med Chem Lett,8
  37. Tumour Biol,8
  38. Biomed Khim,7
  39. J Pharm Biomed Anal,7
  40. J AOAC Int,7
  41. Hybridoma (Larchmt),7
  42. Anal Bioanal Chem,6
  43. Biotechnol Prog,6
  44. Protein Eng,6
  45. Protein Pept Lett,6
  46. Int J Cancer,6
  47. Analyst,6
  48. Methods,6
  49. Sci Rep,5
  50. J Appl Microbiol,5

Top 100 Words in Titles of Biacore Related Publications in PubMed

Biacore - A Keyword Search Query Results in PubMed

Top 50 Words From Titles of Biacore Related Publications in PubMed

Top 10 Journal Publishers For Biacore Applications in PubMed

Top 50 Journal Publishers For Biacore Works in PubMed

Word Cloud From Titles of Biacore Related Publications in 2019

The query in Google Scholar with Biacore as a keyword results in a total of 985 published articles dated in 2019.

All titles of 985 articles were combined together to become a corpus of about 12366 words that subsequently analyzed using Python and its related programs. A word cloud was generated as shown above that visualized the impact of keywords in relationship with Biacore technology in the real world.

The top 50 words are listed in the table below. Words appeared how many times in titles was summed as counts.

The most popular word (rank number 1) is protein that appeared 93 times from 985 titles, representing about 9.44% of total titles. This also indicates that protein was still the most important topic in Biacore application in 2019.

The word 'Biacore' itself was not appeared even once in any title in 2019.

Word Cloud From Titles of Biacore Related Publications in 2019

With the biggest academic database, searching Google Scholar is a very useful tool to look into any academic field. Collecting data is not hard. The hard part is reading and analyzing the data, and making the data more meaningful and useful for the interested fields. Now lets try using Google Scholar to find out what is the current status of progress and trending about the Biacore system and SPR application in year 2019, the year prior Covid-19 pandemic. The search query with Biacore on Google Scholar results in a total of 985 publications for the whole year of 2019. For analysing the trending words in 2019, all titles of 985 articles were combined together to become a corpus of about 12366 words that subsequently analyzed. One of the results from the analysis, a word cloud or tag cloud was generated as shown above that visualized the trending words in relationship with Biacore technology in 2019. The most common or trending words in the image displayed in a way larger in size and center spotlight position that correlated with word frequency and significance.

The top 10 words are listed in the table below. Words appeared how many times in titles was summed as counts.

The most popular word is protein that appeared 93 times from 985 titles, representing about 9.44% of total titles. This also indicates that protein was still the most important topic in Biacore application in 2019.

The word 'Biacore' itself was not appeared even once in any title in 2019.

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