Top 10 Words From Titles of Biacore Related Publications in PubMed

The query in PubMed using Biacore as a keyword results in a total of 1515 related articles dated between 1992 and 2020 (by the date of 31 August 2020).

All titles of 1515 articles were combined together to become a corpus of about 24000 words that subsequently analyzed using Python and its related programs. As the result, we can see there are about 4764 unique words from all those titles and the average words used in a title is about 16.

Furthermore, If we can find out what are the most popular words or most used words in those titles, we will get some clues about what Biacore really has been working on in the last 30 years. Luckly, with the help of fast development of big data technology, we can easily get this done using a set of programs that include Python, Pandas, Numpy, and so on. The result of top 10 most popular words from this 1515 PubMed publication titles show as above.

The most popular word is 'binding' that showed 268 times in 1515 titles, representing about 17.69% of total titles. This also means that nearly one fifth of published papers were simply investigating the binding properties.

Top 100 Words in Titles of Biacore Related Publications in PubMed

Biacore - A Keyword Search Query Results in PubMed

Top 50 Words From Titles of Biacore Related Publications in PubMed

Top 50 Words From Titles of Biacore Related Publications in PubMed

The query in PubMed using Biacore as a keyword results in a total of 1515 related articles dated between 1992 and 2020 (by the date of 31 August 2020).

All titles of 1515 articles were combined together to become a corpus of about 24000 words that subsequently analyzed using Python and its related programs. As the result, we can see there are about 4764 unique words from all those titles and the average words used in a title is about 16.

Furthermore, If we can find out what are the most popular words or most used words in those titles, we will get some clues about what Biacore really has been working on in the last 30 years. Luckly, with the help of fast development of big data technology, we can easily get this done using a set of programs that include Python, Pandas, Numpy, and so on. The result of top 50 most popular words from this 1515 PubMed publication titles show as above.

The most popular word is 'binding' that showed 268 times in 1515 titles, representing about 17.69% of total titles. This also means that nearly one fifth of published papers were simply investigating the binding properties. The word 'Biacore' itself only ranked 17th the most popular word with 111 times shown in titles.

Top 10 Words From Titles of Biacore Related Publications in PubMed

Top 100 Words in Titles of Biacore Related Publications in PubMed

Biacore - A Keyword Search Query Results in PubMed

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