Autobio's Bacterial Vaginosis

Established methods and disadvantages
Amsel method is the golden standard in BV diagnosis. However, this method requires complicated operations and it is also highly subjective.

Sialidase method is the universal method, currently used in the international market. BV is a gynecopathy not caused by a single bacteria but by anaerobic bacteria flora. Prevotella spp, Bacteroides spp and 20 % of Gardnerella vaginalis have Sialidase activity. Most of the Mobiluncus spp, Peptostreptococcus and Mycoplasma hominis don‘t show Sialidase activity. So BV caused by Mobiluncus spp, Peptostreptococcus, Mycoplasma hominis and about 80% of Gardnerella vaginalis risk to remain undetected when using the Sialidase method.

Autobio‘s solution
Autobios improved amine method was developed to overcome the poor sensitivity and objectivity of the regular amine method. It seamlessly combines the current amine method in BV diagnosis and membranes coated with colour indicators. The membrane technology has an amplifying effect, which significantly increases the sensitivity and makes the test more objective.

Advantages of Autobio
This product is intended for the rapid test and treatment monitoring of BV in gynaecology, maternity and before implementing surgical abortion. It is accurate, intuitive, sensitive, the operation is simple, no equipment is required, the result is easy to read and the diagnostic cost is low.