angle of reflected light intensitySurface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is an optical detection process that occurs when a polarized light hits a prism covered by a thin (gold) metal layer. Under certain conditions (wavelength, polarization and incidence angle) free electrons at the surface of the bio-sensor chip absorb incident light photons and convert them into surface plasmon waves. A dip in reflectivity of the light is seen under these SPR conditions.

Perturbations at the gold surface of the bio-sensor chip, such as an interaction between probe molecules immobilized on the chip and captured target molecules, induce a modification of resonance conditions which are in turn seen as a change in reflectivity and which can be measured. This is the basis application of the SPR measurements, such as using a Biacore system.

A Biacore 3000Australia Biacore resources include with details information of Biacore location, model, contact point and operation credibility. A resources for all you need to know about Biacore and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology with operation protocol, techniques and forum. Add your Biacore to the list below now and it is free.

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