The Autobio testosterone CLIA test kit is intended for the quantitative determination of testosterone concentration in human serum.
Testosterone is formed in the leydig cell, then capillaries and veins carry it to the periphery or it traverses testicular myoid cells and enters the seminiferous tubules where it is involved in spermatogenesis. In the seminiferous tubules testosterone stimulates primary spermatocytes to form secondary spermatocytes and finally young spermatocytes. Testicular secretion accounts for 95 percent of the circulating testosterone present in men. In female, the ovary and adrenal secrete small amounts of testosterone; however, the majority of testosterone in the blood derives from metabolism of androstenedione.
The measurement of serum testosterone in man and boy is related to the investigation of testicular dysfunction and is used to monitor the treatment of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In wormen, serum testosterone is useful evaluating hirsutism, alopecia and menstrual disorder. The plasma concentration of testosterone also is part of the evaluation of newborns or young infants with ambiguous genitia, and isolated mivropenis.
The traditional assay of plasma testosterone involves extraction of steroids, chromatographic purification, RIA and ELISA. This system is used to establish an CLIA method for detection of total testosterone in serum.